Fundamentally, logistics is the control and administration of the movement of goods. However, the scope of our processes goes far beyond that. With full logistical services available for our clients, you can find our team members busy in the office, on the road, or storing items in the warehouse.
One of the greatest aspects of working in the logistics industry is our community. Over the years, we have built great relationships with other logistics agencies who understand the need to work together in order to provide our clients with the best results.
With no two days the same, our community finds success in helping each other.
The Problem
Sometimes, our clients call us to complete last minute projects. We recently encountered a situation in which a client needed their goods transported across the country for a retail store launch. While we regularly perform these types of tasks, this client needed their specialty items transported and delivered within just a few days.
With little notice, our team was working around the clock to figure out how we could get this job done. We needed two truck drivers to transport the retail fixtures from Southern California all the way to New York City over the weekend.
How We Resolved It
As we began to put this last minute project into place, we only had one of our truck drivers available to travel. This dilemma led us to reach out to our logistics community. After many years of business, we have formed great partnerships with other logistics companies across the country.
We were able to find an Indianapolis truck driver within our group of Mayflower Transit agents who agreed to take on the long road trip with one of our team members. At the time of the situation, his truck was being repaired, so he had a few days available to complete the task.
The Results
They paired up as a team and spent two days driving from Los Angeles to New York City, where they successfully delivered the retail fixtures. After last-minute flights and accommodations were in place, the project was completed.
When Rob Dissman, Principal of Pyramid Logistics, explained our connections with other Mayflower Transit agents he said, “those types of relationships are gold.” The success of our projects could not be done without the support of others who help out when we need it most.
If you have a question regarding our services and capabilities to help out your company with warehousing, logistics, or supply chain needs, feel free to contact us or fill out this request form below. From single events to multi-month tours, Pyramid Logistics can accommodate your needs.