Happy Holidays

December 22, 2018

Tis the season for giving.

Here at Pyramid Logistics, we want to thank all of our many stakeholders – our dedicated employees, our outstanding customers, oursuppliers and their families. Because of all of you we have had another verysuccessful year!

Our employees have taken to heart our motto, “We Drive Your Experience to Success.” We have achieved our success by embracing our core values of; Integrity, Passion, Reliable, and Safety. Our drivers log millions of miles every year providing industry-leading Trade Show Transportation, moving our clients High Value and Speciality Products, and exceptional Studio Transportation and Experiential Tours.

We are grateful that many of our employees give generously of their time and resources not just at during the holiday season but all year long. Youwill find us volunteering in our churches and synagogues, coaching children’ssports teams, serving in our children’s schools, and many other worthwhilecommunity organizations.

Of all the many good nonprofit organizations in our communities, this year we serendipitously connected with the Gardena Police Departments Helping Hands Annual Toy Drive.  We are grateful for the generous donations of our employees for this worthwhile cause.

We wish all of you and very wonderful Holiday Season and the happiest of New Years!
